
We have been honored with over 200 awards for our work.

All of our work is rooted in the idea that the built environment should support the natural environment.

For over 40 years, Jones Studio has created unique and memorable architecture that is a direct expression of the values and culture of those who occupy it and of the community and place in which it stands. We believe that human ingenuity and creativity can shape our built environment for the better.

Power / Architecture

by Jorge Carvalho (Editor), Ricardo Carvalho (Editor), Pedro Bandeira (Editor), Lars Müller Publishers
Mariposa Land Port of Entry
Power and architecture are fundamental to the question of how contemporary society and architecture work together. Since power lacks a comprehensive logic, coherence and instrumentalization capability, the question refers both to the autonomous powers of the architectural forms and to a set of external powers represented through architecture. The presented series of projects based on current and extreme syntheses of comprehensive and complex world views enables mapping a network of powers that align, intersect, inflect and diverge from each other: collective power, ordaining power, economic power, technological power, ritual power, cultural power, media power and domestic power. The issue of counter power is then discussed against this background. Through eight essays by contributors, along with images, drawings and documents, the book renders visible a set of entities, informal conventions, stakeholders and means involved in the creation of architecture; that is, the dynamics of the collective that ceaselessly tests the architectural composition of the common world. With selected projects by Herzog & de Meuron, Rem Koolhaas, Eduardo Souto de Moura and many more. Visual Dossier - Reulatory Power - Mariposa Land Port of Entry, Nogales, Arizona, USA (2014) /Jones Studio
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Architectural Acoustics Handbook

by Ning Xiang (Editor), J. Ross Publishing
South Mountain Community College Performing Arts Center
This full-color book contains the state-of-the-art knowledge and latest trends and developments in architectural acoustics research. This reference will play a fundamental role in the sustainable progress of architectural acoustics research and practical applications. World-renowned experts in the field from both the research and consulting communities contributed to the 15 chapters covering a wide range of sub-fields including computational modeling, noise, vibration controls, and environmental acoustics in the built environment and around buildings. With information not found anywhere else, this handbook is geared for architectural acoustics research, education in academia, and practical applications among acoustics consultants and industry engineers. It is divided into two Parts: Architectural Acoustics Essentials and Architectural Acoustics Practice.


U.S. General Services Administration (Publisher)
Mariposa Land Port of Entry
Vision+Voice4 is the next volume in Design Excellence's Vision+Voice. For this series, the program interviews leaders in private industry about GSA's commitment to preserving and creating public landmarks; the publications feature the best conversations from the Design Excellence archive. Vision+Voice4 focuses on the role of sustainability in federal buildings, surveying both the history and next generation of green design and construction. Vision + Voice4 - Chapter 4: Land Port of Entry and Sustainability

The “White Book”, 2019 (Design Excellence Monograph Library)

U.S. General Services Administration (Publisher)
Mariposa Land Port of Entry
The Design Excellence Program has produces a set of award-winning publications and monographs. These publications are available on the website as part of a sustainable initiative. If you need a hard copy of one of the documents listed, please contact the Design Excellence Program using the contact information on the right. Mariposa Land Port of Entry, Nogales, Arizona (3/1/2019)


by Pilar Chueca, Links Books (Publisher)
Jones-Johnson Residence
Sustainability is the future of architecture. Here are the newest cutting-edge ideas in sustainable residential architecture in the United States, all featured in hundreds of full-color photographs and illustrations. The emphasis is on innovative ideas, new techniques, and more efficient energy systems. Unconventional building materials such as bamboo, paper, and even bottles and tires are just a few of the examples of American ingenuity showcased here Jones Studio, Inc. - Jones-Johnson Residence pg 230
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Earth Architecture

by Ronald Rael, Princeton Architectural Press 2008 (Publisher)
Low Compound
Dirt—as in clay gravel sand silt soil loam mud—is everywhere and it's free. The ground we walk on and grow crops in also just happens to be the most widely used building material on the planet. Civilizations throughout time have used it to create stable warm low-impact structures. The world's first skyscrapers were built of mud brick. Paul Revere Chairman Mao and Ronald Reagan all lived in earth houses at various points in their lives and several of the buildings housing Donald Judd's priceless collection at the Chinati Foundation in Marfa Texas are made of mud brick. Currently it is estimated that one half of the world's population—approximately three billion people on six continents—lives or works in buildings constructed of earth. And while the vast legacy of traditional and vernacular earthen construction has been widely discussed little attention has been paid to the contemporary tradition of earth architecture. Author Ronald Rael founder of provides a history of building with earth in the modern era focusing particularly on projects constructed in the last few decades that use rammed earth mud brick compressed earth cob and several other interesting techniques. Earth Architecture presents a selection of more than 40 projects that exemplify new creative uses of the oldest building material on the planet. Rael's engaging narrative addresses the misconceptions associated with earth architecture. Many assume that it's only used for housing in poor rural areas—but there are examples of airports embassies hospitals museums and factories that are made of earth. It's also assumed that earth is a fragile ephemeral material while in reality some of the oldest extant buildings on the planet are made of earth. Rael also touches on many topics that pervade both architecture and popular media today such as the ecological benefits and the politics of building with earth particularly in developing nations where earth buildings are often thought of as pre-modern or backward. With engaging discussion and more than 300 images Earth Architecture showcases the beauty and simplicity of one of humankind's most evolved and sophisticated building technologies. Low Compound Jones Studio
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Integrated Design in Contemporary Architecture

by Kiel Moe (Author), Reaktion Books 2008 (Publisher)
UofA College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
Listen in on any conversation about architecture these days and you will almost certainly hear the buzzword of early-twenty-first century building—sustainability. But just how sustainable must a building be to earn that sought-after designation? How must architects reconsider the entire design process to achieve this important goal? Taking sustainability to the next level, the emerging practice of integrated design provides the strategies to achieve high performance, low energy, and cost-effectiveness, through careful ground-up consideration of how the program, siting, design, materials, systems, and products of a building connect, interact, and affect one another. This approach eschews specialists working in isolation in favor of solutions that are greater than the sum of their parts. Integrated Design in Contemporary Architecture takes a comprehensive look at projects that exemplify current approaches to this exciting new field. From museums to residences, from office buildings to universities and yoga centers, this book showcases twenty-eight examples of integrated design that cut across building types, budgets, climates, and locales. Drawings, diagrams, and photographs illustrate how the many disciplines involved in the building process work together to create sustainable spaces that acknowledge architecture's critical role in our shared global community, economy, and ecosystem. University of Arizona, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Tucson, AZ- Jones Studio page 148
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USA Modern Architectures in History

by Gwendolyn Wright (Author), Princeton Architectural Press 2008 (Publisher)
APS Environmental Showcase Home
From the Reliance Building and Coney Island to the Kimbell Museum and Disney Hall, the United States has been at the forefront of modern architecture. American life has generated many of the quintessential images of modern life, both generic types and particular buildings. Gwendolyn Wright’s USA is an engaging account of this evolution from the late nineteenth century to the twenty-first. Upending conventional arguments about the origin of American modern architecture, Wright shows that it was not a mere offshoot of European modernism brought across the Atlantic Ocean by émigrés but rather an exciting, distinctive and mutable hybrid. USA traces a history that spans from early skyscrapers and suburbs in the aftermath of the American Civil War up to the museums, schools and ‘green architecture’ of today. Wright takes account of diverse interests that affected design, ranging from politicians and developers to ambitious immigrants and middle-class citizens. Famous and lesser-known buildings across America come together--model dwellings for German workers in rural Massachusetts, New York’s Rockefeller Center, Cincinnati’s Carew Tower, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin West in the Arizona desert, the University of Miami campus, the Texas Instruments Semiconductor Plant, and the Corning Museum of Glass, among others--to show an extraordinary range of innovation. Ultimately, Wright reframes the history of American architecture as one of constantly evolving and volatile sensibilities, engaged with commerce, attuned to new media, exploring multiple concepts of freedom. The chapters are organized to show how changes in work life, home life and public life affected architecture--and vice versa. This book provides essential background for contemporary debates about affordable and luxury housing, avant-garde experiments, local identities, inspiring infrastructure and sustainable design. A clear, concise and richly illustrated account of modern American architecture, this timely book will be essential for all those who wonder about the remarkable legacy of American modernity in its most potent cultural expression. APS Environmental Showcase Home
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Off The Grid Homes: Case Studies for Sunstainable Living

by Lori Ryker (Author), Audrey Hall (Photographer), Princeton Architectural Press 2008 (Publisher)
APS Environmental Showcase Home
Off the Grid Homes Case Studies for Sustainable Living Lori Ryker Photographs by Audrey Hall Off the Grid Homes looks at six contemporary architectural projects that integrate alternative technologies for generating and conserving energy. Being off the grid can refer to many different aspects of energy and resource independence, from rainwater collection, to photovoltaic (PV) systems, to gray-water systems and more. Diagrams and clear explanations of technologies and their appropriate applications are provided alongside the case studies that explain just how the technologies work and how they may best be applied to each individual situation. Facts about living Off the Grid: More than 180,000 American homeowners live off the grid,; each year the national number grows by about 33 percent. Most states offer tax breaks and financial incentives for people who live off the grid. A recent study found that after 15 years, an increase in America's alternative-energy investment would create almost 150,000 jobs, increase wages nearly $7 billion, reduce carbon-dioxide emissions roughly 30 percent and save close to $30 billion in electric and gas bills. APS Environmental Showcase Home
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Strategies for Sustainable Architecture

by Paola Sassi (Author), Taylor & Francis Group (Publisher)
APS Environmental Showcase Home
Filling a gap in existing literature on sustainable design, this new guide introduces and illustrates sustainable design principles through detailed case studies of sustainable buildings in Europe, North America and Australia. The guide will provide the reader with a deeper understanding of the design issues involved in delivering sustainable buildings, and giving detailed description of the process of integrating principles into practice. Approximately one hundred case studies of sixty buildings, ranging from small dwellings to large commercial buildings, and drawn from a range of countries, demonstrate best current practice. The sections of the book are divided into design issues relating to sustainable development, including site and ecology, community and culture, health, materials, energy and water. With over 400 illustrations, this highly visual guide will be an invaluable reference to all those concerned with architecture and sustainability issues. APS Environmental Showcase Home
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Graphic Standards Details: Openings

by Wendy Talarico (Editor), Smith Maran Architects (Editor)
Scorpion House / Jones-Johnson Residence
From the publishers of Architectural Graphic Standards . . . a showcase of inspiring contemporary architecture Graphic Standards Details: Openings presents a new collection of elegant openings—doors, windows, and passageways—to inspire and instruct architectural designers. It features two dozen projects culled from an open competition of today's leading architects, including Diller Scofidio + Renfro; Smith-Miller + Hawkinson Architects; Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates; Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen Architects; and Wilkinson Eyre Architects. This rich, visual resource offers readers the chance to examine hundreds of detailed construction drawings for a broad range of architectural scales—from residential interiors to a city gateway—including: A surprisingly beautiful chiller plant Houses that open to the elements with disappearing walls Stunning commercial entryways A rural house fabricated from recycled materials An impossibly twisting skyway bridge And more! Every project presented here includes color photographs of the completed work, a descriptive narrative, and expertly drawn details that illustrate how each was constructed. Providing inspiration and problem-solving knowledge, Graphic Standards Details: Openings is a valuable resource for architects, project managers, and designers. Scorpion House Jones-Johnson Residence
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